Beware of Unlicensed Peddlers - Posted July 10, 2008

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In the past several days the Borough Office and the Police Department have received inquiries as to the legitimacy of certain companies soliciting in the Borough. All person desiring to go door to door are required to obtain a license from the Borough Office during regular business. At that time they are asked to provide idenification and credentials testifying to the nature of there business. When necessary, a background check is performed. Only when the staff is satisifed that the applicant is conducting a legitimate business do they issue a clearly visible permit, which must be worn around the wearers neck. Residents should feel free to ask the peddler for their Borough credentials. Anyone that cannot produce a permit, or who is violating the ordinance in any way should be reported to the Borough Office or, if after regular business hours, to the on-duty police officer.